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Amla Indian Gooseberry: Your Summer Ally for Weight Loss, Immunity, and Glowing Health (10 Refreshing Ways!)

By vidhi

Updated - May 9, 20246 min read

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As summer's scorching heat descends, we often crave ways to stay cool, energized, and healthy. While sugary drinks and air conditioning might seem tempting, a natural solution might be closer than you think! The Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is a nutritional powerhouse waiting to be explored. 


Amla boasts an impressive resume: rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, and essential minerals. Revered in Ayurveda for centuries, this tangy fruit is a perfect summer companion. Let's delve into 10 refreshing ways to incorporate amla into your summer diet, supporting weight loss goals, boosting immunity, and keeping you feeling cool.


1.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Juice with a Twist:

The classic amla juice is a fantastic way to kickstart your day. However, its tartness can be a hurdle. Here's how to jazz it up:


Citrus Splash: Combine amla juice with freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice for a tangy and refreshing boost.

Mint Melody: Add a few mint leaves for a cooling and digestive-friendly twist.

Ginger Zing:  Grated ginger adds a spicy kick and aids in digestion. 

Honey Helper: If the tartness is overwhelming, a touch of honey provides natural sweetness. 


Pro Tip: Dilute amla juice with water for a milder taste. Remember, moderation is key! 


2.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Smoothie Sensation:

Smoothies are a convenient and delicious way to pack in nutrients. Embrace amla in your smoothie by:


Tropical Twist: Blend amla with pineapple, banana, coconut water, and a sprinkle of chia seeds for a tropical treat.

Berry Blast:  Combine amla with mixed berries, yogurt, and honey for a refreshing antioxidant punch.

Green Goddess:  For a veggie-packed option, blend amla with spinach, cucumber, and a squeeze of lemon.


Pro Tip: Freeze fresh amla pieces for a thicker, smoothie bowl consistency.

3.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Popsicles for the Win: 

Beat the heat with homemade amla popsicles! They're a fun and healthy alternative to sugary store-bought options.


Simple Delight: Puree amla juice with water and a touch of honey, then freeze in popsicle molds.

Fruity Fun: Add chopped fruits like mangoes, strawberries, or bananas to your amla popsicle mix.

Creamy Dream:  For a creamier texture, use amla juice with yogurt or coconut milk. 


Pro Tip: Experiment with different flavor combinations!

Image courtesy: Hindustan Times

4.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Salad Surprise:

Salads are a refreshing summer staple. Add a surprising twist with amla:


Chopped Delight:  Finely chop fresh amla and add it to your salad for a tangy and crunchy element.

Pickled Powerhouse:  Pickle thinly sliced amla for a unique tangy flavor to complement your salad. 


Pro Tip: Amla pairs well with cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and leafy greens.

Image courtesy: Dine with Geetanjali

5.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Chutney with a Zing:

Chutneys are an essential part of Indian cuisine, adding a burst of flavor to any dish. Here's how amla can transform your chutneys:


Spicy Delight: Combine amla with coriander leaves, green chilies, and ginger for a fiery chutney.

Coconut Comfort:  Blend amla with grated coconut, mint leaves, and a touch of sugar for a milder chutney.


Pro Tip: Pair amla chutney with samosas, pakoras, or even grilled vegetables.

Image courtesy: mayeeka

6.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Candy: A Sweet and Sour Treat:

Satisfy your sweet tooth with a healthy twist! Make delicious amla candies at home:


Dehydrated Delight:  Slice fresh amla thinly and dehydrate them for a chewy candy.

Sugar-Free Sweetness: Use stevia or other natural sweeteners to create amla candies without refined sugar. 


Pro Tip: Dehydrating preserves the amla's nutrients for a longer shelf life.

Image courtesy: Amazon

7.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Tea for a Calming Sip:

Enjoy a warm or iced amla tea for a soothing and refreshing summer beverage:


Simple Brew:  Steep dried amla pieces in hot water for a classic amla tea.

Honey Helper:  Add a touch of honey for a touch of sweetness.

Spiced Up:  Infuse your amla tea with spices like

Spiced Up:  Infuse your amla tea with spices like cinnamon or cardamom for a warm and flavorful twist.

Lemongrass Love:  Add a stalk of lemongrass for a citrusy and refreshing twist.


Pro Tip: Experiment with different herbs and spices to find your perfect flavor combination.

Image courtesy: Times of India

8.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Hair Mask for Summer Shine:

The benefits of amla extend beyond your taste buds!  This wonder fruit can nourish your hair and scalp during the harsh summer months.


Simple Hair Mask: Make a paste by grinding dried amla powder with yogurt or honey. Apply it to your scalp and hair, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

Nourishing Boost:  Add a few drops of almond oil or coconut oil to your amla hair mask for extra nourishment.


Pro Tip: Use amla hair masks regularly for healthy, shiny hair.

Image courtesy: Lavender Gypsy

9.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Face Pack for a Summer Glow:

Amla's Vitamin C content can help brighten your skin and combat summer dullness.


Glowing Face Pack:  Mix amla powder with honey and a touch of turmeric powder to create a face pack. Apply it to cleansed skin, leave it on for 15 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

Exfoliating Power:  For a gentle exfoliation, add gram flour (besan) to your amla face pack.


Pro Tip: Patch test any face pack on your inner elbow before applying it to your entire face.

Image courtesy: Her Zindagi

10.  Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Murabba for a Digestive Delight:

Murabba is a traditional Indian sweet preserve made with fruits and vegetables. Here's how to make a delicious amla murabba:


Sweet and Tangy:  Boil chopped amla with sugar or jaggery (unrefined cane sugar) until it thickens into a jam-like consistency.

Spiced Up:  Add a touch of cardamom or cloves to your amla murabba for a unique flavor.


Pro Tip: Amla murabba is a healthy and delicious way to end a meal and can also aid in digestion.

Image courtesy: Vanita's corrner


Embrace the Power of Amla This Summer!


Amla, the humble Indian gooseberry, is a versatile and powerful fruit that can be enjoyed in various ways throughout the summer. From refreshing beverages to nourishing hair and skin treatments, amla offers a multitude of benefits. So, ditch the sugary drinks and processed snacks, and embrace the power of amla for a healthy, vibrant, and delicious summer!