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10 Best Spicy Pani Puri Masala Brands In India

By Vidhi

Updated - May 9, 20246 min read

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Ah, pani puri – the undisputed king of Indian street food! Those crispy, hollow puris filled with a symphony of flavors – tangy pani (water), creamy potato filling, crunchy sprouts, and a burst of sweet and spicy chutneys. It's a flavor explosion in every bite, a true testament to India's culinary magic.


But the magic of pani puri doesn't just lie in the puris and fillings. The secret weapon lies in the masala – the spice blend that elevates the pani to a whole new level.  Finding the perfect pani puri masala can be a game-changer, and with so many brands available in India, the choice can be overwhelming.


Fear not, fellow pani puri enthusiasts! This blog is your one-stop guide to navigating the world of pani puri masalas and kits in India. We'll delve into the top 10 masala brands, exploring their unique flavors and ingredients. We'll also shed light on readily available pani puri kits, making this delicious street food accessible even in your own home kitchen.


The Art of the Pani Puri Masala:

Pani puri masala is a carefully crafted blend of spices that adds a complex and dynamic flavor profile to the pani. Common ingredients include black pepper, cumin, coriander, red chili powder, amchur (mango powder), black salt, and sometimes even dried pudina (mint). Each brand has its secret recipe, resulting in a range of flavor profiles. Some masalas lean towards a tangy and citrusy taste, while others offer a more fiery kick.


Top 10 Pani Puri Masala Brands in India:


MDH Pani Puri Masala:

A household name in India, MDH offers a reliable and well-balanced pani puri masala. It delivers a moderate level of spice with a good amount of tanginess, making it a crowd-pleaser.

Image courtesy: Amazon

Price: 70rs



Everest Pani Puri Masala: 

Another popular brand, Everest masala is known for its slightly sweeter profile. It has a good balance of spice and tang, with a touch of sweetness from the added mango powder.

Image courtesy: Amazon

Price: 40rs


Aachi Pani Puri Masala:

This South Indian brand offers a unique take on pani puri masala. Their blend often incorporates ingredients like curry leaves and star anise, resulting in a distinct and aromatic flavor.

Image courtesy: Amazon

Price: 50rs



Priya Pani Puri Masala:

Known for its use of high-quality ingredients, Priya masala boasts a clean and fresh taste. It has a moderate spice level and a good balance of tang and salt, making it a versatile choice.

Image courtesy: Sri Priya foods

Price: 39rs


Patidar Agro & Food Products Pani Puri Masala:

This brand focuses on creating an authentic Gujarati-style pani puri experience. Their masala offers a robust blend of spices with a smoky undertone, reminiscent of the flavors found in street vendors across Gujarat.

Image courtesy: TradeIndia

Price: 100rs


Badshah Pani Puri Masala:

Known for its use of high-quality ingredients, Badshah masala boasts a clean and fresh taste.. It's perfect for those who enjoy a citrusy kick in their pani puri.

Price: 40rs



Roopak Pani Puri Masala: 

Made with high-quality ingredients, Roopak masala offers a clean and fresh taste. It has a moderate spice level and a good balance of tang and salt, making it a versatile choice.

Image courtesy: Amazon

Price: 140rs


Catch Pani Puri Masala: 

A convenient option, Catch masala comes in a pre-mixed pouch with all the necessary spices. It's perfect for those who want a no-fuss pani puri experience.

Image courtesy: Catch foods

Price: 50rs


Suhana Pani Puri Masala: 

Suhana Pani Puri Masala offers a tangy and spicy blend that brings restaurant-quality flavor to your pani puri experience. Made with a secret blend of spices, it elevates your pani puri game in just a teaspoon.

Image courtesy: Flipkart

Price: 40rs


Goldiee Pani Puri Masala:

This brand offers a good balance of flavor and affordability. It's a great option for those who are new to making pani puri at home or for those looking for a budget-friendly choice.

Image courtesy: Goldiee online store

Price: 28rs


The best pani puri masala for you depends on your personal taste preferences. Do you prefer it mild, tangy, or fiery? Experiment with different brands to find your perfect match.



FAQs Related To Pani Puri


Q1. What's the difference between pani puri and golgappa?

Ans: These terms are often used interchangeably!  Pani puri is the more common term in North and West India, while golgappa is prevalent in East and South India.  Both refer to the same delicious street food.


Q2. Can I make pani puri pani from scratch?

Ans: Absolutely! While pani puri kits offer convenience, making your own pani allows for customization.  Look for recipes online or in Indian cookbooks for a variety of pani options, from basic to elaborate.


Q3. How can I store leftover pani puri ingredients?

Ans: Store leftover potato filling in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Chutneys can also be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days. Leftover puris are best enjoyed fresh, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a day or two. 


Q4. Are there any vegan pani puri options?

Ans: Yes! You can easily create a vegan version by using a potato filling made with peas or lentils instead of yogurt.  Opt for vegan chutneys made with mint and coriander, and choose a pani puri masala that doesn't contain any animal-derived ingredients.


Q5. What are some tips for assembling pani puri?

  • Make sure your puris are crispy and don't fill them too far in advance to avoid sogginess.
  •  Have all your fillings and chutneys ready to go for a quick and enjoyable pani puri experience.
  •  Start with a small amount of pani in each puri, allowing yourself to add more for the perfect flavor balance.