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10 Lipbalms With SPF To Protect You In The Summer Heat

By Vidhi

Updated - May 9, 20246 min read

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Summer sun, oh so fun! But with all that sunshine comes the risk of sunburn, not just for your skin, but for your lips as well. Often neglected, our lips are particularly susceptible to sun damage due to their thin, delicate skin and lack of melanin, the pigment that protects against UV rays.  Here's where SPF lip balms come in – your essential summer sidekick for healthy, protected lips.


Why Do Lips Need SPF?


Sunburn isn't the only concern. Overexposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging, dryness, chapping, and even an increased risk of lip cancer. The delicate lip skin lacks the natural protection offered by melanin, making it more vulnerable to sun damage. Symptoms of sunburned lips can be uncomfortable, including:






 Dryness and chapping


By incorporating SPF lip balm into your daily routine, you can prevent these unpleasant experiences and keep your lips healthy and happy all summer long.


Understanding SPF:


SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, indicates a sunscreen's ability to shield your skin from UVB rays, the primary culprit behind sunburns.  Here's a breakdown of SPF levels for lip balms:


SPF 15: Offers basic protection, blocking about 93% of UVB rays.

SPF 30: Provides moderate protection, blocking about 97% of UVB rays. This is generally considered the minimum recommended level for lips.

SPF 50: Offers high protection, blocking about 98% of UVB rays. 


Choosing the Right SPF Lip Balm:

With a variety of SPF lip balms available, finding the right one for you depends on several factors:


Sun Sensitivity: If you have fair skin or a history of sunburns, opt for SPF 30 or higher.

Activity Level: For extended outdoor activities, choose a water-resistant SPF lip balm with SPF 30 or higher.

Personal Preference: Consider factors like flavor, ingredients, and application style (stick, tube, etc.) 


Benefits Beyond Sun Protection:

SPF lip balms often go beyond just sun protection. Look for products that also offer:


Hydration: Hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and aloe vera are common moisturizing ingredients that keep lips soft and supple.

Healing: Ingredients like vitamin E and beeswax can help soothe dry, cracked lips.

Flavor and Fragrance:  Many SPF lip balms come in a variety of flavors and fragrances, making sun protection a delightful experience.


Sunscreen Application Tips for Lips:

Here are some key things to remember when applying SPF lip balm:


Apply generously and frequently: Reapply every two hours, or more often if swimming or sweating.

Don't forget the corners: The corners of your lips are especially vulnerable, so make sure to coat them thoroughly.

Sun protection is for everyone: Regardless of skin tone, everyone needs to protect their lips from the sun.


SPF Lip Balm Myths Debunked:


Myth: SPF lip balm makes lips taste bad. Many SPF lip balms come in pleasant flavors or are virtually flavorless.

Myth: My lipstick already has SPF.  Check the label! Most lipsticks do not contain SPF, and even if they do, it's likely not enough for adequate protection.

Myth: I only need SPF lip balm on sunny days.  UV rays are present even on cloudy days, so wear SPF lip balm year-round.


Caring for Your Lips Throughout the Year

Sun protection is just one aspect of healthy lips. Here are some additional tips for year-round lip care:


Exfoliate Regularly: Gently remove dead skin cells with a soft washcloth or a homemade lip scrub.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep lips moisturized from the inside out.

Avoid Licking Your Lips: This can dry them out further. Opt for lip balm instead.

Limit Matte Lipsticks: While trendy, matte lipsticks can be drying. Use them sparingly and apply a moisturizing lip balm underneath.


Embrace Healthy Lips All Summer Long!

By incorporating SPF lip balm into your routine and following simple care tips, you can ensure your lips stay healthy, protected, and ready for all your summer adventures. So, pucker up with confidence, embrace the sunshine, and enjoy a season of smiles!


Bonus Tip: Stock up on SPF lip balms and keep them readily available in your purse, backpack, or car for easy reapplication throughout the day.


Here's a list of 10 SPF lip balms readily available in India, catering to different needs and budgets:


1. The Body Shop Lip Balm SPF 15 (₹350):

This classic lip balm offers basic sun protection (SPF 15) with a smooth, hydrating formula. Available in a variety of delicious flavors like strawberry and vanilla.

Image courtesy: Amazon


2. Lakme Sun Expert SPF 15 Lip Balm (₹150):

An affordable option with SPF 15 protection, enriched with vitamin E for added moisture. 

Image courtesy: Amazon


3. Himalaya Herbals SPF 30 Lip Care (₹120):

This natural lip balm contains beeswax and kokum butter for deep hydration, along with SPF 30 protection.

Image courtesy: India mart


4. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer with SPF 20 (₹300):

A dermatologist-recommended option with SPF 20 protection and a long-lasting formula for intense hydration.

Image courtesy: Amazon


5. Lotus Herbals Safe Sun Lip Balm SPF 20 (₹200):

This lightweight lip balm offers SPF 20 protection and is enriched with botanical extracts like calendula and jojoba oil for soothing and nourishing benefits.

Image courtesy: Lotus herbals

6. Nivea Sun Protect Lip Balm SPF 30 (₹250):

A water-resistant option with SPF 30 protection, perfect for outdoor activities. It provides UVA and UVB protection and comes in a convenient stick format.


Image courtesy: NIVEA


7. Biotique Bio Sun Lip Balm SPF 30+ (₹220):

This mineral-based formula offers broad-spectrum protection (SPF 30+) with natural ingredients like beeswax and almond oil for deep nourishment.

Image courtesy: Amazon

8. Minimalist SPF 30 Lip Balm (₹325):

This fragrance-free lip balm boasts SPF 30 protection and is packed with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and shea butter.

Image courtesy: India mart


9. Dot & Key Ceramide & Peptide Barrier Repair Lip Balm SPF 50 (₹450):

A high-protection option with SPF 50, ideal for those with sensitive lips. This balm also contains ceramides and peptides to support the skin's natural barrier.

Image courtesy: Amazon

10. Plum Strawberry Sorbet Candy Melts Lip Balm SPF 30 (₹300):

A fun and hydrating option with SPF 30 protection. This vegan lip balm comes in a delicious strawberry flavor and melts smoothly onto the lips.

Image courtesy: Amazon