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Axe Signature Corporate Body Perfume is a unique blend of original fragrances that will help you achieve a professional and polished appearance. Made with natural ingredients, this EDT fragrance is perfect for men who want to smell good while they work. This scent is strong and captivating, but not overpowering or chemical-like. It's perfect for those days when you need to project a powerful image.


This masculine scent blends woodsy notes with jasmin and green tea, creating an aroma that is both fresh and calming. It's also ideal for use in the workplace, as it has been proven to improve focus and concentration.


Axe Signature Corporate Body Perfume comes in a chic  bottle that looks great on desk or dresser - whichever space you choose to display it! Order yours today and start feeling confident about your personal appearance- everyone will notice!


To prolong the life of your perfume, follow these tips: 

- Keep it fresh! Store your perfume away from light and moisture (like in a cool dark place), and spray it only as needed.

- Don't overuse scent! Too much fragrance will not only make you smell bad but also wear out your perfume faster. Stick to two sprays per day maximum with moderate concentrations of fragrance.

- Protect it against spills! Make sure that your perfume is tightly sealed after each use so that leaks don't occur. If you do spill something onto your scent - using ice may help minimize damage - try blotting rather than rubbing until the liquid has been absorbed by the fabric or paper towel layer below it