Ankzzz Kakkkarr profile pic
Ankzzz Kakkkarr
July 17, 2020, 8:22 a.m.
#mykindaplace : जहाँ🌍 हर हफ्ते 📆में मिलते हैं beer🍺 और food🍲 vouchers🎟 सस्ते, ऐसा magicpin🎩 है मेरा😊, ऐसा magicpin🎩 है मेरा😁 #nuffsaid when I think🤔 of #happywallets💱 I think🤔 of The Beer Cafe🍻.. their vouchers🎟 are available😘 in abundance🤗 marking the success📈 of the chain🔗 restaurant🏨.. bcoz of MagicPin🎩 The Beer Cafe #ROCKS🌟.. and their drinks🍹 & food🍕 always satify😌 our drinkingbuds🍻 & tastebuds😋.. in short😉 सस्ता, सुंदर & टिकाऊ - पेट फुल, पैसा वसूल #thnx2magicpin #wowvouchers #live2eat #jhakasmagician #havenobranches
Ankzzz Kakkkarr at CHOWOLOGY_test2, Krishnapur,  photos

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