Anupriya Choudhary profile pic
Anupriya Choudhary
Nov. 21, 2022, 7:23 a.m.
#MagiciansMeetUp Isn't it saddening how you miss the best yet kinda #MagiciansMeetUp that you ought not to miss. Karma isn't that nice to you after all. Anyway, this magicpin meetup does look like a great magicians meet form what I could decipher from the pictures and amazing videos. A big shout out to Kanishka Goyal for putting in great efforts to make it the best and setting the benchmark quite high for the months to come. It's amazing how she organised such indulging games and kept everybody engaged throughout. Much appreciated I must say. Really in love with this place and after this splendid meetup, I'm thinking of revisiting it again for the nth time. It feels amazing to see the new gang of magicians joining in, bringing in more of their creativeness to the community. Really missed meeting the cute little munchkin, Manya Rawat, the latest and youngest magician on board. The jaipur magicians community has really grown manyfolds now. With me solely struggling to get people on board to such a happy bunch of people, it feels great to see the expansion. Thank you magicpin :D
Anupriya Choudhary at Kaleidoscope, C Scheme,  photos

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