Kalpesh Jain profile pic
Kalpesh Jain
Nov. 21, 2022, 9:07 p.m.
The day to remember #magicpin meetup was held at #TheCafeDelhiHeights location in #LowerParel near #KamlaMillsCompound.The Host for the event is #PratikPanchal .The meetup was great meeting with new magician and existing & sharing with their experiences as the magicians #magicpinapp. The host has planned very smart and brilliant games and was rewarded a voucher of Rs 200. The location selected was very good and famous in #southmumbai.The ambiance and the services was very quick and handy and the food was mouthwatering  like #starters #Maincourse #PaneerItems #BlueBerryFresh #Juices #Deserts #Brownie.Musics was very pleasant when you enjoy with #Juices ,Interior was lucarative.

I would like to thanks magicpin community for arranging such a great meetups #MumbaiMeetups #Magicpin #ThankyouMagicpin #Firstmeetup

Kalpesh Jain at BOX8 - Desi Meals, Lower Parel,  photos

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