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Yash Nagda
Nov. 22, 2022, 2:22 a.m.
#summersips Just after hearing the word "SUMMER" our mind thinks of heat , sweat , Air Condition, cooler , juice , extra ice , etc.. We drink beverages all the time but drinking them in summer is the most satisfying ...😇💯 It actually feels like inner peace is gain after drinking a glass of juice ..🍹🍹 #uncafe is one of the best option to search for an refreshing beverages in the city !!! There are so many varieties available 😋😋 You will just get confused what to order ...🤔🤔 And my favourite OOPS everyone's favourite is #choclatejars I can't even define my feelings to tell how it feels to have icecream-chocolate milkshake jar during a hit summer day !!! 😇😇 It just feels like heaven !! #chillingsummers #refershingbeverages #saharastarglasstopunderthesuncafe #happywallets #summersips
Yash Nagda at Uncafe, Sion,  photos

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