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Monali Gorad
Aug. 17, 2020, 10:08 p.m.

In Pic : Cheese Bruschetta
Isnt this tempting?
Italian food has always been my favroite. Thanks to italian cuisine for giving us food like pizza,pasta,ravioli,bruschetta etc. .
Made with as simple as grilled garlic bread topped with toppings of our choice this perfectly is a starter to have. .
With fulfilling quantity and extremely mouth-watering its simplyfood42s guarantee that you definitely wont be disappointed with this. .
Little more heavier on portion and fulfilling this is definitely a must try. So have it and let me know how is it in comments. .
Simplyfood42 shares content so that you get good food to eat which will make you feel happier! .
Happy Fooding! ❤️✨
Monali Gorad at Rainforest Resto-Bar, Phoenix Market City,  photos

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