Tushar Yadav


Tushar Yadav


20 Answers

20 Things about Tushar Yadav

Something you think is over-rated

Public display of affection (PDA)

Your guilty pleasure

Not a good idea to reveal publically

A useless subject you're an expert in

Counselling talks

The coolest thing you own

My jolly nature

A fashion brand you love


A quote you love

I am me and that is something you can never be.

Food you'd never give up on

Butter chicken

Best TV show of all times

The great indian laughter challenge, bhabhi g ghar pe hain

The cutest thing in the world

Double sided crush

A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Tarek Fateh

The trend you wish had died already

Honour killing.

Something you'll never eat


Your favorite sport

Badminton, football etc etc.

What's your (alcoholic) drink


A sport you'd want to be great at


A city you'd want to live other than your own


Currently playing in your earphones

Too many there

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

The mask

Most interesting job

Which job is interesting??

The coolest living person

Its me