Parul Bajaj


Parul Bajaj


18 Answers

Parul Bajaj's popular posts!

18 Things about Parul Bajaj

Your guilty pleasure

Ice cream

Your favorite sport


Best TV show of all times


The first website you visit in the morning

Whatsapp/Instagram (apps not websites)

Your favorite app is


The trend you wish had died already

All things extra blingy

A fashion brand you love

Miss Bennett

A book you would recommend

Underground Girls of Kabul

Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

Quora - not my thing

A sport you'd want to be great at


The cutest thing in the world


Food you'd never give up on

Aunthentic North Indian/Punjabi

You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

Why to be someone else? best version of myself

The coolest thing you own

quirky bookmarks

The coolest living person

Who else than me 😋

A TV series you are currently watching


What's your (alcoholic) drink

Absolute vodka

Most interesting job

Travel blogger

Hashtag junkies

Frequently used hashtags by Parul Bajaj