Nagarjuna Reddy


Nagarjuna Reddy

food lover with inclination towards vegetarian food.


31 Answers

Nagarjuna Reddy's popular posts!

31 Things about Nagarjuna Reddy

A quote you love

Nothing is permanent

The cutest thing in the world

Babies till age of 5

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Tom n Jerry

Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

Follow quora instead

What's your (alcoholic) drink

No alcohols .. loving fruit extracts

A book you would recommend

Not applicable

Food you'd never give up on

Andhra food

A useless subject you're an expert in

Remembering stupid things

A fashion brand you love


The coolest living person

The one Who has more people interaction

Currently playing in your earphones

Indian film songs

Your favorite sport


A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Nivetha Thomas

Your favorite app is

Which makes some noise

A TV series you are currently watching

No time for TV series

Best song released in recent years

Maate vinadhuga from Taxiwala

The coolest thing you own

Exploration of food, things n places

The first website you visit in the morning


A city you'd want to live other than your own


Your favourite hangout place

Madanapalli (My home)

Most interesting job

Software Engineer

A sport you'd want to be great at


Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?

No one

Something you think is over-rated

Money versus Time.. often money is over rated these days

Your guilty pleasure

Fighting with brother

Are you a Tea or Coffee person?

Not both

The trend you wish had died already

Living in closed room

A movie that made you cry

Majili, Aruvi

You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

My mom n dad

Best TV show of all times


Something you'll never eat

Non veg