Swapnil Uchade


Swapnil Uchade


Rating :

Didn't like the outlet experience and packaging at this place

I have been ordering food from Ganesh bhel for a long time. But day to day they are giving a bad package (foil container which is not good for helth they need to use the box ) and taste is worst 😔 and no spoon and tissue pape


Rating :

Didn't like the outlet experience, packaging, and delivery at this place

I have been ordering food from Ganesh bhel for a long time. But day to day they are giving a bad package and taste is worst 😔 and no spoon and tissue paper ... Very bad server not going to order again from ganesh bhel or any othe


Rating :

Loved the delivery, quality, and product range at this place

They need to add a spoon 🥄 and tissue paper in parcel .


Rating :

Loved the quality, delivery, packaging, and product range at this place


Rating :

The taste is not good as expected 😕😕😔


Rating :

Not valued for money the price is high and the test is not good.