Bharti Gupta


Bharti Gupta

baddest for the bad ones ☠️


23 Answers

Bharti Gupta's popular posts!

23 Things about Bharti Gupta

A book you would recommend

World's best boyfriend

Your favorite sport


What's your (alcoholic) drink

Blenders pride

Best TV show of all times


Currently playing in your earphones

Bum bum tam tam ☠️

A movie that made you cry

Kabhi Khushi kabhi gum

A quote you love

Loving someone means that he/she is a part of ur family 🖤

You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

Richest person

The cutest thing in the world


A useless subject you're an expert in

Faltu ki bakwas 😌

Something you'll never eat

Non veg

Your favourite hangout place

Anywhere where i can meet my friends

The coolest thing you own

My happiness

A city you'd want to live other than your own


The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Bob the builder

Most interesting job


A TV series you are currently watching

MTV Roadies

A sport you'd want to be great at


Food you'd never give up on

Dosa 💕

Best song released in recent years

X by Nicky jam

A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Sonam Kapoor

Your favorite app is

Instagram and Snapchat

A fashion brand you love

Forever 21