Ankit Jindal


Ankit Jindal

30 Answers

30 Things about Ankit Jindal

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Tom&Jerry and ofcourse Dexter

The coolest thing you own

My character for sure😎

A sport you'd want to be great at


Your favorite sport


Your guilty pleasure

Tell uh later

Best TV show of all times

Like romantic series..

A movie that made you cry

Ek villain

A city you'd want to live other than your own

Rather i choose to live at any hillstation😍

Your favourite hangout place

Lounge & waterparks at any place

A fashion brand you love


The cutest thing in the world

Eye conversations between two😉

A TV series you are currently watching

Busy enough... hve no tym

Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?

Anu malik sahab

Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

No idea

Your favorite app is


A quote you love

True love always has a habit of comebck

Currently playing in your earphones

Oh saathi- baaghi 2

You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

I hv my own dream.. I don’t think thts possbl

The coolest living person

Robert downey Jr.

The trend you wish had died already

Trend of Ezy lyf with limited wants

Most interesting job

Spread lUV😛

A book you would recommend

I won’t..... thts not my COT

Something you think is over-rated


A celebrity you'd want as a friend


Food you'd never give up on


Best song released in recent years

Raat di Gedi

What's your (alcoholic) drink


Something you'll never eat

Non veg... except 🥚

A useless subject you're an expert in

I don’t gain expertise in useless things

The first website you visit in the morning

Firstly i visit insta..🧐