Mohammad Sirajuddin


Mohammad Sirajuddin


17 Answers

Mohammad Sirajuddin's popular posts!

17 Things about Mohammad Sirajuddin

Something you'll never eat

Pork 😷🥵🤮

Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?

Me 😂😂

A sport you'd want to be great at

Badminton Note: BAD 😄

Best TV show of all times

Vampire Diaries Game Of Thrones

Your favorite sport


Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

Ashish Ranjan "The King Of Sarcasm"

Currently playing in your earphones

Mitron... "Ye main nai bataunga" 😂😂

Most interesting job

Teaching Counselling- psychology

A fashion brand you love

United Colors of bennetton

The cutest thing in the world

Someone's Smile

Food you'd never give up on

Chicken Biryani Overloaded Cheese Pizza McSwirl of McDonald's

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Jerry Mickey Road Runner

A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Emma Watson

A city you'd want to live other than your own


A useless subject you're an expert in

Chootiya katna

Something you think is over-rated

Male Ego 😂😂

The coolest living person

🤟 Obviously _Me_